Encore Webinar – The 7 Catastrophic Mistakes People Make With Their Taxes Which Stop Them Living Their Soul’s Purpose .
Thursday 19 October 2015 at 5:30pm WST (6:30pm AEST)
Are you like many Australian business owners…working long hours, struggling to keep afloat while paying high taxes, doing lots of paperwork, not getting the results you desire … but just not sure how to fix it?
Or perhaps you’re making good money, but…
- you’re still paying far too much taxes
- you have too much paperwork
- you feel frustrated with no real meaning to what you do,
- you feel disconnected from any kind of spiritual purpose, or
- you feel like what you do doesn’t really make a difference.
Sure, it’s everyone’s dream to do what they really love and get magnificently paid for it … but living it is another thing entirely!
In this webinar you’ll be guided to fulfil your soul purpose, live your heart’s dream, and be free of the outrageous taxes which plunder your wealth and …
Pay only what is fair, just and lawful
The fact is …
Fair, just and lawful taxes and freedom go hand in hand
Our ancestors knew it … and many wars were fought because of this.
You can learn all you want about financial freedom, how to invest, live your soul’s purpose, etc. But if you’re paying outrageously high taxes your journey to financial freedom grinds to a screaming halt. It cripples your power to accumulate wealth.
It’s like playing football with a 10kg back pack on your back. Yes in principle you can do it, but gosh, you need to be super human!
All the rich and wealthy know this.
In this webinar, which I call my new “Braveheart” training, I show you how to fight back against outrageously high taxes, win your freedom and have an abundant money flow in your life.
Here’s what you’ll discover …
- Why people are trapped doing businesses and things they hate. Many people live their lives by fear, and keeping everyone else happy as people pleasers, and never live their dreams. Financial burdens and high taxes is a big reason and wanting to keep everyone happy. I show you how to clear this. This is big stuff, because there’s no point doing anything unless you’re doing what you love, and unless you’re making money and using it to bring joy to you and your family’s lives and make a contribution to society.
- How to lawfully free yourself from outrageous taxes to do what you want to do and get ahead financially. You can slash your tax by up to 75% if you’re a business owner!
- How NOT to set up a business structure. I show one of the worst mistakes which many business owners do which can bankrupt you if you get into tax problems with the ATO.
- Why you will pay TWICE as much tax as you need to in some structures, and how to ensure you avoid this happening to you!
- How you can deduct your church tithes or charitable donations regardless of the charity!
- How to stay safe from nasty government actions or lawsuits.
- Going offshore, how it is a good thing, but why you can get into an awful lot of trouble if you stuff it up. I show you how to avoid this.
- One thing I am really good at is simplifying my life. I hate paperwork and unnecessary detail, I am an entrepreneur! Lol I show one of the tricks I use which can eliminate 90% of paperwork in your business, while helping you to survive any audit, and find documents you need within seconds!
- The real secret behind The Secret, and the laws of manifestation to get what you want. That is, having faith or believing something is not enough … you need INTENT and EXPECTANCY to get what you want. This works with taxes and government as well! I share how you can transform your language and get what you want, and keep away what you don’t want with government.
- And FINALLY, I reveal one of my most powerful secrets which I’ve kept quiet about until now because I was afraid people would think I’m too weird (yes I’m being honest, and my sister would say I’m weird anyway! lol) … the holistic secret behind taxes and government control. I look at the real purpose behind taxes and show how once you align with what’s lawful, fair and just, solutions to free you from taxes magically appear … even tax audits disappear and become harmoniously resolved! This is gold. I’ve seen this in my personal life a number of times, as well as friends and clients.
And much much more …
And there is a special bonus gift if you attend live and stay till the end!
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