If you can’t afford to pay your business taxes, you must restructure immediately. Once the ATO takes action, it is too late. Our experts will restructure your pty ltd company to eliminate or reduce your debt, while remaining strictly within the law.
Our legal structures protect you from both government and personal lawsuits. You need to start this process before you have a problem. It is crucial to protect your wealth now or risk losing everything in a lawsuit.
We’ve performed emergency restructuring for both small businesses and multi-million dollar companies. Companies with more than $60,000 in debt should consider our service.
We take control, setting up the legal tax structures and restructuring your debt. From the first step, our team makes sure you are 100% insulated from risk. We setup the structures and educate you on how it works. We make it easy.
Escaping your debt is serious business with serious ramifications if you cut corners. Don’t risk your financial wellbeing to anyone but a bonefide expert in Australian tax planning and emergency tax restructuring.
Our CEO Warren Black is Australia’s go-to expert for asset protection and offshore tax strategies. As an ex-employee of the ATO, laywer and tax expert, WealthSafe knows Australian tax codes and business laws inside out. Protect yourself and your wealth. Enquire today.
Fill out the form to the right to set up a free initial strategy session with one of our experts.