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Little Known Ways To Slash Your Tax As A High Income Earner.


There are lots of ways to legally slash your tax as a high income earner (ie. you or your business earns $180,000+ per year).

Let me give you a couple of examples which from my experience, accountants don’t tell you (well certainly not the second one) …

For example …

FIRSTLY, you can use bucket companies if you’re running a business through a family trust, which can keep your tax at 30%.

SECONDLY, you can use finance companies. That is, if you have a lot of cash, and are regularly buying properties or shares, and borrowing to do so, a finance company in your group can slash your tax by minimising your Division 7A loans.

Want to find out more?

Click here to go to our contact us page, and tell us what you want to find out more about how to slash your tax as a high income earner. Put as much detail as you can about your particular situation. One of our team will be in contact with you shortly.

Alternately, call us on 1300 669 336 and we’ll be happy to help you.

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Tax Saving Assessment.

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